Arbor Day Tree Care Tips And Techniques

 In Inexpensive Tree Care Blog

Arbor Day is a time to celebrate trees and to plant new ones. This dual purpose allows us to reflect on a couple of things.

First, it reminds us how crucial trees are to our physical and mental wellbeing. At Inexpensive Tree Care, we’re fortunate to work in a city (Portland) and a region (Pacific Northwest) that abounds with trees of all kinds. We never take this great bounty for granted.

Second, Arbor Day permits us to imagine a time in which our kids and grandkids — and on and on and on into the far future — are able to enjoy the trees we’ve planted and to plant some of their own.

Arbor Day History

The first documented arbor festival is said to have taken place more than 400 years ago in the Spanish village of Mondoñedo. The origins of our modern Arbor Day are typically traced back to 1805 and “the small Spanish community of Villanueva de la Sierra.”

The first American Arbor Day was held in Nebraska City, Nebraska, in 1872. On that occasion, more than 1 million trees were planted throughout Nebraska.

Today, Arbor Day is recognized throughout the world as a (mostly) springtime celebration.

In the U.S., National Arbor Day is held on the last Friday in April. Cities often have their own events, though, and the dates often vary.

With that historical backdrop to inspire us, let’s list a few Arbor Day tree care tips and techniques.

Arbor Day Tips and Techniques for Trees

    • Pick the right tree. Ask an arborist for tips!
    • Pick a good spot. Tall trees should be planted away from power lines, for example. Trees that drop a lot of leaves or debris should be planted away from homes. They can clog gutters, and the constant noise from falling tree parts may drive you batty! Check out for additional info.
    • Don’t plant too deeply. Plant your tree with the root collar at ground level or, at most, two inches higher to adjust for settling. Of course, you’ll want to remove any containers, plastic, or string and wire from the roots before planting.
    • Don’t fertilize when planting.
    • Water your newly planted tree right after planting.
    • Learn when to prune your trees for spring. The Old Farmer’s Almanac is a good source. So is Inexpensive Tree Care!
    • Check your old trees for winter damage. Look for dead wood or leaf damage. Remove any weeds that have taken root near your trees.

Questions? Comments? Get in touch today! We’ll help you care for your trees all year round. Our tree services include tree removal, tree trimming, plus pruning of trees and shrubs.

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