We’re Not Landscapers, But Here’s What We Can Do For You

As the premier tree care specialists in Portland OR, Inexpensive Tree Care has decades of experience managing the health of trees in both urban and rural environments. From choosing just where to prune to improve the well-being of a tree to making the decision when a tree needs to be removed, ITC has the answers.

When you think of landscaping, you might picture neatly mowed lawns, colorful flower beds, and trimmed bushes. Landscapers work to enhance the overall appearance of outdoor spaces, making your yard look beautiful and well-kept. They mow lawns, plant flowers, trim shrubs, and design garden layouts.

However, when it comes to the health and maintenance of trees and shrubs, the expertise of a tree care specialist is essential. This is where the role of an arborist becomes critical. While landscapers focus on aesthetics, arborists focus on the health, safety, and longevity of your woody plants.

What An Arborist Does

An arborist is a professional who specializes in the care, maintenance, and management of trees. We are tree experts, using our experience to focus on their health, structure, and overall well-being. Our arborist is often called upon to assess and address various tree-related issues, ranging from disease diagnosis to pruning and removal.

We are dedicated to preserving and enhancing the vitality of trees in diverse environments–but also know when it’s time to remove a tree and how to replace it with something that will fit that environment. We undergo extensive training to understand tree biology, soil science, and the principles of arboriculture.

A graphic depiction of two hands cupping soild with a tree growing from it to help illustrate tree care specialists Portland OR and how to choose the right tree for your yard
tree infected with fungus

Our work is not only about maintaining the aesthetic appeal of trees and how they fit into the landscape but also promoting the long-term health and sustainability of trees. Whether it’s consulting with property owners or municipalities, we contribute to the well-being of trees, helping to create healthier and more vibrant environments for communities.

Inexpensive Tree Care Tree Services

Arborists are tree care experts who specialize in the care of trees. An ISA-certified arborist, a professional recognized by the International Society of Arboriculture, has the training and knowledge to properly care for trees. Here’s what an arborist does:

Tree Health Assessment: Arborists conduct thorough evaluations of tree health, checking for diseases, pests, and other issues that could affect the well-being of your trees. Think of them as tree doctors who diagnose and prescribe treatments to keep your trees healthy.

Tree Pruning and Trimming: Proper pruning is essential for the health and appearance of trees. Arborists know how to prune trees to remove dead or diseased branches, improve structure, and enhance growth. This is different from just trimming for appearance; it’s about the long-term care of the tree. We can also improve your view through trimming while still maintaining the health of the tree.

Dangerous Tree Removal: When a tree becomes hazardous or needs to be removed for other reasons, arborists can safely and efficiently handle the job. They assess tree risk and determine the safest method for removal to protect your property and surrounding trees. In the event of storm damage or other emergencies, professional arborists are trained professionals who can provide immediate care, work safely with the tree, and prevent further damage.

Tree Health Care: Arborists provide comprehensive tree health care programs to maintain the vitality of your trees. This includes soil management, fertilization, pest control, and disease management. Arborists can help you select the right species of trees for your landscape and plant them correctly to ensure they thrive. They consider factors like soil type, climate, and space to ensure the new trees grow healthy and strong.

What Do Landscapers Do?

Landscapers are essential for maintaining the visual appeal of your yard. Their work includes:

  • Mowing Lawns: Keeping your grass trimmed and neat.
  • Planting Flowers: Adding color and beauty to your garden with various plants and flowers.
  • Trimming Shrubs: Keeping bushes and hedges in shape.
  • Designing Landscapes: Creating visually appealing garden layouts and features as well as hardscapes.
Someone in yard work clothes pushing a lawnmower over freshly cut grass
tree infected with fungus

However, while landscapers do a great job with the general appearance of your yard, they are not trained to care for the health and safety of your trees. For that, you need the expertise of arborists and ground technicians who understand the complexities of tree care.


Why should I hire an arborist instead of a landscaper for my trees?
Hiring an arborist ensures that your trees receive expert care focused on their health and safety. Arborists are trained to diagnose and treat tree problems, provide proper pruning, and safely remove hazardous trees. Landscapers, while skilled in general yard maintenance, do not have the specialized knowledge required for tree care.

What is the difference between tree trimming and tree pruning?
Tree trimming typically refers to cutting back overgrown branches to maintain appearance, while tree pruning involves selectively removing branches to improve the tree’s health, structure, and growth. Pruning is a more technical process that should be done by an arborist.

How often should I have my trees inspected by an arborist?
It’s recommended to have your trees inspected by an arborist at least once a year. Regular inspections help catch any health issues early, ensuring timely treatment and preventing potential hazards.

What are the benefits of planting trees with the help of an arborist?
Arborists can recommend the best species of trees for your specific environment and ensure they are planted correctly. Proper planting is crucial for the long-term health and stability of the tree, and arborists can provide guidance on care and maintenance.

How do I know if a tree needs to be removed?
Signs that a tree may need to be removed include significant decay, structural instability, disease, or damage from storms. An arborist can assess the tree’s condition and recommend removal if it poses a risk to safety or property.

Contact Inexpensive Tree Care Today!

Don’t leave the health and safety of your trees to chance. While landscapers are great for maintaining your yard’s appearance, our trained professionals at Inexpensive Tree Care are the experts in tree health and safety.

Whether you need tree removal, pruning, planting, or a health assessment, our ISA-certified arborist and skilled ground technicians are here to help. Contact us today for all your tree care needs, and let us ensure your trees and shrubs thrive for years to come. Leave the lawn mowing to the landscapers – trust Inexpensive Tree Care with your trees!