Invasive Species

 In Inexpensive Tree Care Blog

Birch and Western Red Cedar Tree owners look closely at your trBirch Tree in Portland ORees. Beware! There are pests out there that can destroy the beauty of your trees. There are two invasive beetles that could be working to kill your trees right now. They are the bronze birch borer beetle and the flying airborne beetle. These little insects can cause serious damage to your tree if you neglect them. They are little and sometimes hard to spot, so how do you know if your trees are become infested with these annoying pests?

Flying Airborne Beetle:

These flying insects usually show up around the beginning of July depending on what the temperature is. They love feeding on your red cedar tree and leaves will start getting lean if they are not stopped. They will eat the soft leaf tissue out from between the leaf veins which will weaken the tree and eventually, it can kill it altogether.

Bronze Birch Borer BeetleBronze birch borer beetle:

These beetles are attracted to birch trees that are stressed by drought or compacted soil. The larvae will feed on the sapwood of the tree which causes a disruption of water flow, nutrients, and sugar. Trees can sometimes be infested for several years before they show signs of problems. The most common sign of a bronze birch borer beetle infestation are small holes with bronze discoloration at the tree trunk. There may also be yellowed, thinning leaves, or swelling where the larvae have built tunnels under the bark.


Your trees make your yard and garden more beautiful, so making sure you stay on top of tree maintenance is key to maintaining their health and longevity. Not sure if you have a tree infestation problem? Be sure to inspect your tree’s health today by contacting our experienced team of tree professionals at Inexpensive Tree Care.

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